Saturday, February 3, 2018



Yes, Do you ever think even for a moment before forwarding, that what can be the result or outcome of forwards?

These days we see forwards of all types like:
* Aqa Maula TUS news about Safar Mubarak
* Aqa Maula TUS Akhbar
* Bayan Mubarak Audio, Video and Texts
* Jokes on Community
* False News about Mumineen
* Edited Photos of Maula used for Greetings

And the newest spreading news about upcoming changes....
Please Please Please....aava msgs ne forward karvana badle, stop karo.... Je bhi Farman aavse ae ITS par si aavse aam whatsapp par nashar nahi karva pare....

People who forward such things, think they are very smart and updated but in my opinion they are not....

Am I rude? Yes I am, because it cannot be tolerated by me to see such be'adabi...Maybe sometimes people may think I am a fighter as I can't stop myself from stopping people to do such forwards and end up being rude....

Nashar of Bayan Mubarak:
It is announced before every Waaz Mubarak that no one should do Nashar (Spread) of Bayan Mubarak then how come such forwards? Maybe someone's main aim is to do befarmani, right ?  Or maybe when such announcements are being done people are busy with forwarding some other stuff to show their smartness....
It is our Aqa Maula TUS's ehsaan that we adna mumineen are granted Raza Mubarak to write Bayan  Mubarak....

Edited Photos of Maula used for Greetings:
Don't understand why people have to edit Maula's photos for greetings....Why people do such Be hurmati of Maula's photos, My suggestion, if it is so very important then better start using your own photos for such purpose....Sound Rude.. Right?

Aqa Maula TUS's Safar Mubarak:
Why does anyone have to forward news about Aqa Maula's Tasreef Aawri without Raza....Maula Malik Chhe aap jaha chahe padhare.... And most of the time the news is false....

Do you share your travel details with your friends and family like you forward about Aqa Maula TUS....NO, Right?

I bet many of you reading this must be not even informing  about your major travel plans to your own family or friends till last moment...

Jokes On Community:
Do you think an adna mumin, whose heart is filled with mohabbat of Aqa Maula TUS, will make such jokes? I don't think so.... Stop such jokes, instead of Forwarding.... Remember when you are forwarding such jokes, you are helping a wrong person....

False News About Mumineen:
I don't understand what pleasure people get in spoiling people's image.... Those who forward such things, do they really try to find out the fact whether it is true or not? Infact even if is true we should not make such messages....
Apna Maula, aapye apne sikhayu chhe logo na aebo par pardo karvu jove and by forwarding such messages what are we doing?

Today it has become trend on whatsapp ke koi si bhi kai gusso hoi ya hasad hoi toh ehna name ne no. sathe ehno msg banavi ne whatsapp par forward kari devanu....Em kahi devanu ke muddai chhe.... Kitli mohti Tohmat ek mumin mukhlis veete ehna par jena aam msg forward thai chhe.....Jyare koi nadan aavu kare toh apna par su wajib chhe?
First stop such msgs....Instead of forwarding on bhai ni galat vaat thai rahi chhe ehne inform karo.... Never trust on such whatsapp forward....You never know je aava msg koi mumin mukhlis bhai ya ben na forward kartu hoi ae khud aj galat hoi.... ya galat no sath deta hoi.... Whatsapp forwards kai character certificate nathi ke je aave ehna par yakin kari devanu....ane kai bhi socha samja bina kai bhi ehna khilaf amal karvanu....aaje koi bija nu aayu chhe toh kaale aapnu bhi aavi sake chhe....

Do you ever take time to think what that person must be going through when such false news are circulated about him/her.... How miserable that person must be feeling... What if next it is your turn for such humiliations? Anything can never know...
There are certain websites which have Raza Mubarak for sharing information about  Aqa Maula TUS.... It is better that we visit such sites and take barakaat instead of doing be'adabi of Maula's Farmaan....

I Apologize for being so rude but its high time we do something to make people understand, what should be forwarded and what should be stopped....
I hope my Humble Initiative will make you think atleast once before pressing the forward button whether it should be forwarded or stopped....Hope you understand the plight of the person whose false news is circulated....Do your bit to stop such forwards....
May Allah give us Taufeeq and help us do what is right...
Khuda Al Hayyul Muqadas Mansoorul Yemen Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Maula (RA) Na Jaanasheen Ane Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Syedna Wa Maulana Abu Jafarussadik Aaliqadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Maula (TUS) Ni Umar Shareef Ne Wayamat Na Din Lag Daraz Ane Daraz Karjo,Aameen.


  1. Molana ni vaaz ni audios ne videos ya koi miqaat na photos common mumineen kem lai sake je itna door betha hoi che.

    Also Molana ne personal travelling, ya hunting ya molana na ghar na ya bija koi personal moke par to common mumineen hazar hotaj nathi.

  2. Bhai ehna vaaste websites chhe je na par si apne Aqa Maula TUS aapna photos saglu joi sakye chhe.....meye post ma bhi add kidu chhe ke je websites ne Raza Mubarak che ehna par jai ne apne joi sakye chhe....Shukran...

  3. 1st of all i wud lyk to say wen ppl share moula's audios n videos dey share in groups where ALL members r mumineen. I don think any1 shares dem wid other dan mumineen. N i hvnt seen any 1 recording audios n videos during waaz when raza hasnt been granted. Most of it is taken from sites which have already posted dem wid raza.
    N u say sharing info bout moula's safar mubarak is "behurmati", can u explain how. Moula travels to diffetent places for mumineen. Moula's qiyam shareef is announced on ITS itself. Its informed to mumineen so dat dey too can go der n take barakat. If i share wid my mumin friend dat moula so n so place par tashreef rakhe che, is it wrong?? Here i don mean by moula's persobal tours. But mumineen wastey jahan padhare che, in my opinion those who remain unaware bout dis info is bad.
    N u say ppl use moula's fotos for greetings, shudnt be done. Dey send moula's photos cos dey r making an iltemas ud dua by moula's waseela. If my wasila cud work wid Allah i wud happily send my pics as u suggest. N mostly such pics r circulated which r already out n most of dem r on d internet. N i bet dey r not clicked without raza.
    My dear, v all love our moula d way u do. N evry1 is sensitive bout such matters. Most of us do think b4 fwding if not all. I don knw y u hav used so much unnecessary sarcasm in ur "humble" initiative

  4. Thank you for reading and commenting....bhai i agree with your sentiments but not with your words.....jyare nashar ni raza nathi means nathi pachhi ae mumineen na group ma hoi ke kai bhi biji baju....jene sunvu hoi je site par raza chhe,jai ne sune and for your information fakt Ashara mubaraka naj bayan mubarak na audios ane videos website par hoi chhe...jene sunvu hoi waha si sune.....aapye nathi joyu does not mean koi record nathi kartu....You have no idea how people do....even if koi aapna baju ma besi ne record kartu hase, aapne khabar nahi pare....

    Yes je ni raza nai hoti aej safar mubarak ni vaat karu chhu...if you read the word WITHOUT RAZA..... Yes you are right ITS52 si aavi jai chhe je mumineen ne khabar karvani hoi chhe....and lastly be'adabi ne maula na wasilu nu naam na aapo pls....maula no wasilo dil ma aqd karva no hoi chhe photo ma nahi....Yes bhai we love our Mufaddal Maula TUS very very very much....

    If you think this initiative is sarcasm all I can say is I pity your thinking....

    shukran once again for reading and taking your time to comment...Much appreciate it....

  5. Samju te Samjo Na Samju Na Samjo

  6. Absolutely bhai....ekdum sahi.....Khuda Sagla Ne Nek Taufeeq Aape.....Aameen...

  7. I understand what u want to say, taufeeq che. I already told in my msg dat v do think b4 fwding. But u hv to be polite in d wy u educate ppl. If u be rude which u hv admitted in ur msg, ppl wil feel rather bad n do more of it instead of taking ur effort positively. I wud also lyk to highlight how ppl set moula's pics as der profile pics, which evry1 can c, n is much more public.
    Ben der is a way to approach ppl, v received ur msg in a group n many felt resentment. Nxt day again v got same type of msgs. So u hv to be really humble n cut short d sarcasm which isnt required. If u still think u r right den i wud pity u. Soft words can make d work done instead of harsh words.
    Baqi its upto u what kind of initiative u take. Samjho to samjho, na samjho na samjho. Khuda tamne pan nek taufeeq. Aameen!

  8. Bhai Thank you once again - Bhai Thank you once again for replying....Bhai I totally agree with you and just because all are mumineen I apologised....nahi toh maafi ni zarurat na parte, I very well know ke kharab laagi sake chhe ae loko ne ke je befaam be'adabi karein jemtem saglu forward karein chhe socha samja bina YA ae loko ne ke je aavu kai bhi nahi karta ane anjaan chhe ke aavu thai chhe....

    yes bhai maula na photos DP ma na rakhvu jove...don't know aam karva si su haasil thai chhe....

    Aameen bhai....Yes bhai khuda sagla ne hamesha nek taufeeq aapta rahe... Taufeeq thavu ghani mohti nemat chhe....

    Agar aapna grp members ne kharab laagu hoi...I am sorry.....Bhai I am not here to educate, mein kaun aavi mohti, mein toh mara maula ni adna adna adna baandhi chhu....bas aa be'adabi bardash na bahar thai gai chhe hawe....tesi aa post....

    Koi maqsad nathi koi nu dil dukhava ne bhi bhari laagu hoi, maafi chahu chhu....

    Bhai I think you have taken things personally...I just replied to the comment of that bhai...I always make sure that I reply to the comments on my blog....Because that's the way I come to know what people who are reading my blog have to say about my had anything to do with you....

    Once again thank you bhai for your precious time....hope you are satisfied with the reply...

  9. Thank u ben! Ur reply is appreciated! Wt u hv tried to say in ur msg is right but was a bit rude. Anyway its ok, i did not take it personally. V all r mumineen, i jus wanted to say dat it wud appeal more people if certain remarks were not made.
    Like u, der r many ppl who r very concerned bout d security n privacy of our content. If we r true ghulams of our Moula, nothing should b done where raza is not there. I would suggest the site bohranet should also be secured with ITS ID n pw cos dats where i saw ur msg n its accessible to all.

  10. Alhamdolillah! Pleasure is mine bhai....yes bhai i have been rude in the post but it is for a reason....because its high time people must understand the forwards that they are doing without giving a thought can be very damaging...I just want people to think twice before forwarding....I have accepted being rude and have also apologized for that in the post itself....

    In Sha Allah, Surely I will keep your words in mind while writing another such type of post..after all sagla mumineen chhe...Sagla Apnawala chhe Apnawahla chhe...

    Yes bhai there are many who think alike....and also try to stop such messages when they are shared in groups.... Khuda Apan sagla ne nek taufeeq aape samajwa ne ke what is right n what is wrong...

    Can't say anything about bohranet as i am just a member there....

    Really sorry if any of my word has hurt you while replying or if my this post or any other post has hurt you or any of the reader then really sorry.....Thank you very much for your feedback....Much Appreciated....

  11. Rashida, Well written and good comments bhai Husain..

  12. Thank You.... Comments and Feedbacks are always welcome....

  13. Thank You.... Comments and Feedbacks are always welcome....

  14. Agree wid Rashida , totally support ur thinking....and husain bhai read ur comments....gud comment by you bhai

  15. I totally agree with the message of the author. No justification is valid of posting such messages, once Aqa Maula TUS has done irshaad that mumineen must not post Aqa Maula TUS's photos, bayan clips etc. on any social media.
    Anyone, doing so, can try to give as many reasons for it, plain truth is that he is committing befarmaani of a direct farmaan.

    1. Thank you Juzerbhai....I hope everyone understands the same ...

  16. Yes rashida ben tme j khyu te brabr che meye aapno post pro kai galat nathi kidu aapye to koi c maafi mangava ni zarurat aj nathi. Aato ek strictly action leva nu kaam che. Or without raza apna ma kai kaam ma brkt nai thaati. Or je aa sglu withuot any raza mola na audio video send kre che to ehno khamiyaajo elogoj uthaavse.

    1. Shukran.... Khuda sagla ne nek taufik aape ke samji sake.... Sahi kidu aapye raza bagair barakat nathi....


Feedback Welcome....Happy Reading....:)