Saturday, March 24, 2012

SIZE OF YOUR HANDWRITING SPEAKS VOLUME ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY:¤ People with tiny handwriting stays away from limelight,introvert,can be selective.¤ People with small handwriting are humble in nature,pays attention to details, concentration is good. ¤ People with medium handwriting fits into a crowd,realistic, works well in group or by ownself.¤People with large handwriting likes to be noticed,ego drawn,action oriented,can be egocentric.


  1. Thankyou so much for the feedback. Inshallah, I will keep adding more post on this topic.

  2. is this really true or is this just logic according to the size of handwriting

  3. This is according to Graphology i.e,study of Handwriting.


Feedback Welcome....Happy Reading....:)