Sunday, January 8, 2012


Dear All,
This happened in INDIA-Shimoga District in Karnataka,
A 10 year old boy who had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, fell sick, from the day he had eaten.
Later when he had his Health check done,doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS.
His parents couldn't believe it...
Then the entire family underwent a checkup
None of them was found to be suffering from Aids.
So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out....The answer was 'yes' - he had pineapple two weeks ago.
Immediately a group from the hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check.
They found the pineapple seller had many cuts on his fingers while cutting the fruit;his blood might have spread on to the fruit each time,
When they had his blood checked, sure enough,the guy was suffering from AIDS but he himself was NOT aware.
Unfortunately, the boy is suffering from it now.
Please take care while u eat on the road side(particularly tasty vada pav & Pani Puri).

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