Saturday, October 15, 2016



Hayaa! How do we define it? Hayaa is the way how we behave, what we wear, what we is reflected in every aspect of a mumenaat....

Does the word Hayaa sound Alien??? No... Right? Then where has it disappeared with advancing technology and social networkimg sites....

The best gift a mother can give to her daughter is Hayaa.... A priceless jewel which not only enhances her beauty but also self esteem and dignity....

Remember beauty lies within.... Your True beauty is reflected from what you are from inside and not what you show outside....

 Mumenaat's Zeenat lies in Parda.... Our Maula has blessed us with the most beautiful jewel- RIDA.... We are the chosen ones.... the blessed ones to be blessed with this jewel which not only enhances our beauty and gains us respect but also protects us....

If you ever feel why can't I do when the world is doing it.... Just remember Apna Maula ye apne chuni chuni me jame kida chhe... aap apne firishta banava chaho chho.... Maula na ehsaan chhe....

There is beauty in Hayaa.... You must have noticed....A mumenaat who is gifted with the jewel of Hayaa is more pious and strong in Deen than the ones not knowing where they are going.... as some are just following the modern trends without knowing its side effects and harm....

Our Respect Lies In:

1. Wearing Rida, the way it should be worn with full respect.... Sadly some even customize rida by making it tight like skirt....

2. Calling ourselves AMATE SYEDNA TUS.... Adna Bandhi Of Mufaddal Maula TUS.... We should always say this before our name....

3. Doing amal as per farmaan and khushi mubarak of Aqa Maula TUS.... 

4. Learning Hunar.... Apna Maula ni khushi chhe ke mumenaat Hunar sikhe.... and with Maula's Dua Mubarak, these days learning hunar has become very easy with SMB LEARN & TEACH GROUP.... In Sha Allah Ho Ta'aala, Maula ni dua ni barakat si learning hunar from SMB Learn & Teach will always be free for everyone....7000 mumenaat are already part of SMB Learn & Teach Group On Whatsapp

Make Best Use Of Your Time.... Maula Ni Khushi Hasil Karo....Hunar Sikho....

Not In:

1. Changing profile pic and putting yourself on display....

2. Uploading pics on social networking sites where strangers like your pic, comment on it.... maybe even save and share without your knowledge.... 

3. Exposing your personal life on social media....

Khuda sgla ne nek Taufik aape ke apan sagla jem Aqa Maula TUS aap chaho chho em amal karye....Aameen.

Khuda Al Hayyul Muqaddas Mansoorul Yemen Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Maula (RA) na Jaanasheen ane Mansoos Aqeequl Yemen Dr. Syedna wa Maulana Abu Jafarussadik Aaliqadar Mufaddal Saifuddin Maula (TUS) aapni Umar Shareef ne qayamat na din lag daraz ane daraz karjo,Aameen.

You too can join SMB Learn & Teach Hunar Whatsapp Grp:

Whatsapp with( hunar_ your name) On +918652108225....